Digital Financial Services for Farmers

Over 38 million smallholder farmers in Nigeria lack access to finance to increase their agricultural production. CashCard enables smallholder farmers in rural Nigeria to receive digital payments and build their financial identity.

See Benefits



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With CashCard, farmers get access to basic financial services without going to a bank.

Bank-Less Savings
Farmers can easily save for the things they need without having a bank account. They can save money at their local farm input shop that is a walking distance from them.
Financial Identity
Financial Institutions find it hard to identify credit-worthy farmers. CashCard builds a financial identity for smallholder farmers making them eligible for micro-credit.
Farm Inputs on Credit
Smallholder farmers using CashCard to build their financial identity can access farm inputs like agro-chemicals on credit while they pay back "small-small".
Market Price Updates
Knowledge of the market price of crops is very important to smallholder farmers. Smallholder farmers receive market price updates via SMS at no extra cost to them.
Get Paid with Phone Number
Financially excluded farmers often find it difficult to get paid at local markets because they lack bank accounts. With their phone number, a buyer can send money to a smallholder farmer from any Nigerian bank easily and securely.
Local Languages Supported
Smallholder farmers can access CashCard in their local language. CashCard currently supports Hausa, Yoruba and English Languages.

Save Money with Local Farm Input Suppliers

We have partnered with Input Distributors that have over 130 Farm Input Shops with CashCard Agents in 21 local governments in Kebbi State making it easy for smallholder farmers to save money at shops that are just a walking distance from their homes.

Buy Farm Input on Credit

Through CashCard Agents at Farm Input Shops, smallholder farmers can buy farm inputs like agro-chemicals, improved seeds on credit while they pay back small-small.


Get Paid by Buyers

During harvest time, buyers visit rural markets to buy from smallholder farmers. Most of these buyers do not carry cash on them which means farmers without a bank account probably won't get paid or will be saddled with the responsibility of finding someone with a bank account to help them receive the payment. With their phone number, a buyer can send money to a smallholder farmer from any Nigerian bank easily and securely.

End Poverty.
Part of the target being achieved by CashCard for this goal is to ensure that all men and women, in particular the poor and the vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, appropriate new technology and financial services, including micro-finance.
Zero Hunger
CashCard brings the possibility of doubling the agricultural productivity and incomes of smallholder farmers to achieve the goal of zero hunger.
Good Jobs and Economic Growth
To achieve this goal, CashCard is strengthening the capacity of domestic financial institutions to encourage and expand access to banking, insurance and financial services for smallholder farmers.

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